They shall be like a tree planted by water, sending out its roots by the stream. It shall not fear when heat comes, and its leaves shall stay green; in the year of drought it is not anxious, and it does not cease to bear fruit. – Jeremiah 17:8
We invite you to participate in our 2024 pledge campaign, Rooted in Abundance. Ministry can’t happen without the resources of time, talent, and treasure. A pledge is your way of saying, “I want the ministry of St. Andrew’s to continue and be a strong witness and service to Christ.”
Your pledge supports the immediate mission of St. Andrew’s, and it also supports the mission efforts of our diocese and national church.
Your pledge of treasure tells the church what resources you are willing to offer to support our witness and service. Each fall everyone who considers St. Andrew’s their spiritual home is asked to write down and send in what support they pledge for the coming year. Ministries are built upon your pledge.
If unforeseen circumstances arise, please notify us if you are unable to fulfill your pledge. Your financial pledge, as are all financial gifts to the church, is fully tax deductible.
Thank you for your generosity and your prayerful consideration of your pledge to St. Andrew’s.
See Letters below from our Interim Rector, Senior Warden, and Treasurer
How to Pledge:
- Fill out our electronic form below.
- Fill out a pledge card either found at the church or mailed to your home. You can turn in your pledge cards by putting them into the offering plate, bringing them to the office, or mailing them.
For questions about giving, please contact our Parish Administrator, Minerva, at