Holy Eucharist with Music in Sanctuary

Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church 1231 E. Chapman Ave., Fullerton

On Sundays, we offer two in-person worship services: A quiet Holy Eucharist at 7:30 a.m. in the chapel and our full service with choir at 11 a.m. in our main sanctuary. Please join us! Our 11 a.m. service is live-streamed each week on St. Andrew’s YouTube and Facebook pages and remains available for later viewing and sharing.

Sunday School & Nursery Care

Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church 1231 E. Chapman Ave., Fullerton

Church School meets on Sunday mornings at 11 a.m. in Moody Hall. Classes are for children in kindergarten through eighth grade or pre-high school. Children attend class during the first part of the 11 a.m. worship service and then join their families at the Offertory time so that they may all receive Communion together. Nursery care is available in the Blue Room in Moody Hall during the 11 a.m. service for children too young for Church School. If you have any questions, please contact our Sunday School Coordinator Honour Harry at honour.a.harry@gmail.com. Sunday School logo designed by Ms. Honour Harry See her other delightful work at www.honourharry.com