But That Isn’t Fair!

In the gospel this week, we find a landowner hiring people all day long to work in His vineyard. The rub comes at the end of the day when everyone gets paid the same amount. The people hired first think they should get more since they worked all day. We aren’t...

The Value of Forgiveness

In the gospel this week, Jesus tells us that a King forgave a man the equivalent of $10,500,000,000 just because the man asked for mercy. Then that same man wouldn’t forgive another person a debt of $20,000, even though the person begged. Both of these totals...

Our God Makes No Sense

In this coming Sunday’s gospel, Jesus tells his disciples that he will die a horrible death and then rise from the dead three days later. The evening before, as we covered last Sunday’s gospel, He asked them who they say he is, and Peter responded that...

Who Do You Say That I Am?

In the gospel this week, Jesus asks this question. It’s an important one don’t you think? And, I submit, it isn’t always easy to answer. We come to church most Sundays. If asked, we tell people we are Christians. So let me present you with a scenario...