“I am the Good Shepherd.” 

We will be talking about a Good Shepherd as a metaphor for Jesus Christ this week. Please note that the text quoted above says am, not was. Jesus is the Good Shepherd today as well as he was when he first made the statement about himself. Jesus as the Good Shepherd...

Low Sunday

This Sunday is famously known as “Low Sunday”. Historically church attendance plummets from the high of Easter Sunday the following week. Thinking about this prompted me to consider what the reaction of Jesus’ disciples was after his resurrection. I...


In ancient times there were a lot of rules for living. Most important, for our discussion, were the cleanliness laws. They covered items such as who a person might associate with and what people could properly eat, and what we needed to do to get God to hear our...


Have you noticed that when we say something is true people want to know how we know it is a fact? They want proof. Scholastically we must cite the writings and research of others to prove that we know what we are talking about. I have noticed that the press is...

Come and See Continued

This past Sunday several people asked me to write something about finding Jesus in scripture. I call my process learning to SPELL. Each letter stands for a part of the system. Here is an explanation for each. Study scripture regularly. Read the New Testament. Starting...