Prepare the way of the Lord

Prepare the way of the Lord

Prepare the way of the Lord: From the wilderness, John invites us to shape and participate in a world rooted in mercy. God is faithful to his promises, John reminds the people and rulers of his day, return to him and know mercy. Today, John’s message to us is the...
“Even the dogs under the table”

Food for the Journey

With what do we fill our hearts? What strengthens us when our journey of discipleship becomes difficult? When loving our neighbors, and ourselves, seems an overwhelming challenge? As we spend August with the Gospel of John’s bread of life discourse, Jesus offers an...
Being a Prophet

Being a Prophet

The lessons this week remind me of a quote from St. Oscar Romero, “Wherever there is a baptised person, there also is the Church; there also is a prophet; there is someone who in the name of the truth illuminates the lies of the earth”.  The stories of Amos and John...