Where Do You Find God?

This week the gospel tells us about John the Baptizer. He was out in the wilderness, dressed in a camel hair coat, eating bugs, and preaching a baptism of forgiveness. Scholars call him the last Old Testament prophet. They say tons of people were going out to him to...

And Now We Wait

Christ is coming. He will tear the fabric of reality and join us as a baby. We remember that at the end of his life he changed everything. Because of Him, we will no longer be judged by our works. Instead, He has closed the gap between us and God and guaranteed our...

When Did We See You Lord?

`Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave you clothing? And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited...

The God We Believe In

In this week’s gospel lesson, three people are given incredible wealth to manage while their master is gone. Two invest and earn their master interest. The third hides what he has been given and it remains exactly as it was when the master returns. God, of...

Don’t Wander Off

The gospel lesson this week is about a wedding once more. This time ten young bridesmaids are waiting to greet the bridegroom. It starts getting late, midnight in fact, and five of the girls don’t have enough oil. So off they scurry to attempt to buy more and...

Enormously Happy

This Sunday we will be celebrating All Saints Day. And yes I am aware the actual date is November 1, but most churches celebrate it on the first Sunday after the first. I imagine we do that because it’s difficult in modern times to get to church on another day....