The gospel for this coming Sunday has a pearl within it that informs our lives personally and as a community. All of us get caught up in our everyday lives, and for many of us, the “work of the church”. Frankly getting caught up in the work of our...
The lessons this week remind me of a quote from St. Oscar Romero, “Wherever there is a baptised person, there also is the Church; there also is a prophet; there is someone who in the name of the truth illuminates the lies of the earth”. The stories of Amos and John...
“Were you afraid? Do you have no faith?” These are the words of Jesus as he sleeps while the torrent rages around the boat. Do you ever feel like that? Life is a mess and getting worse and where is Jesus? Is he sleeping? You could use a little help....
Understanding the idea of the Kingdom of God can be illusive. Jesus said he came into the world to proclaim it. He, being an outstanding teacher, chose to use parables to attempt to get his points across. We will encounter a couple this Sunday. My understanding, for a...
What is God like? How would you describe God? Do you think your description would match that of others? Probably not huh? This coming Sunday is called Trinity Sunday. It celebrates the nature of God as described in the concept of the Trinity, which no one yet has been...
We will be talking about a Good Shepherd as a metaphor for Jesus Christ this week. Please note that the text quoted above says am, not was. Jesus is the Good Shepherd today as well as he was when he first made the statement about himself. Jesus as the Good Shepherd...