The gospel this week is a famous one. Jesus meets Moses and Elijah on a mountain. He is accompanied on his journey by Peter. John and James. It’s quite a story. Jesus’ appearance changed. His face glowed and his clothes became dazzling white, a color impossible to achieve at that time in history. From the clouds the voice of God proclaimed, “This is my Son, my Chosen, listen to him!”

The writer of Luke wants us to understand that Jesus is special. He is the Son of God. There is nobody else like him. God has even endorsed Him.

Because we have access to the New Testament we are invited to read all about Jesus. We can learn his blueprint for living, and learn to copy it to the best of our ability. We can understand how he managed to give us the present of eternal life. For each and every human being on the planet this is probably the most important and relevant book ever assembled.

Something to think about.