In the gospel for this coming Sunday, Jesus walks on the water. Then Peter tries to do the same thing and begins to sink. He has lost confidence. Jesus then reaches down and saves him, pulling him up. It’s an interesting story. How does it translate to the 21st century?.

The first thing that hits me is that we only stick our hand out to Jesus when we are sinking. We often forget about Him when we are doing well. I think it’s a rare human being that stays in touch with Jesus, sharing the good times too.

On the other hand, I am positive Jesus is constantly in touch with each of us. He hopes we will go ahead and try walking on the water. He wants us to develop as human beings, gaining and improving our abilities, becoming the people God is creating us to be.

Jesus is on the sidelines cheering each of us on as we grow in our capabilities. He celebrates with us when we stay afloat, and He is sad for us when we begin to sink. And if things get hard enough He will lend us a hand if we will only remember He is there, look up, and grab it.

So go ahead. Take the chance you have been thinking about. Step out on the water. Jesus is rooting you on. And look for his hand if things get too hard. He’s always there, sort of like the person that taught you how to ride your bike. Remember them? They remember you. So does Jesus.