
These reflections are originally published in the weekly newsletter, the Net.
All reflections written by Fr. Bill Garrison will be archived here.
Scroll to the bottom of the page to read previous entries.


In ancient times there were a lot of rules for living. Most important, for our discussion, were the cleanliness laws. They covered items such as who a person might associate with and what people could properly eat, and what we needed to do to get God to hear our prayers. Then Jesus Christ came into the world and the system of laws was replaced by grace through the death and resurrection of Jesus. All the barriers between God and people had been removed.

Unfortunately, barriers appear to remain between us and God. They are different though than those previously in place. Some are incredibly high, it feels like. Where did they come from? Who is responsible? Let’s talk about it on Sunday.

Our God Makes No Sense

In this coming Sunday's gospel, Jesus tells his disciples that he will die a horrible death and then rise from the dead three days later. The evening before, as we covered last Sunday's gospel, He asked them who they say he is, and Peter responded that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. Jesus...

Who Do You Say That I Am?

In the gospel this week, Jesus asks this question. It's an important one don't you think? And, I submit, it isn't always easy to answer. We come to church most Sundays. If asked, we tell people we are Christians. So let me present you with a scenario and I would like to challenge you for an...

What Comes Out of Our Mouths

This week's gospel could not be any more appropriate. There are two stories and they work together beautifully. In the first story, the Pharisees are remarking that Jesus and his disciples have some bad habits. They eat with people they shouldn't, and don't always wash their hands before they...

Walking on the Water

In the gospel for this coming Sunday, Jesus walks on the water. Then Peter tries to do the same thing and begins to sink. He has lost confidence. Jesus then reaches down and saves him, pulling him up. It's an interesting story. How does it translate to the 21st century?. The first thing that hits...

The Transfiguration

The gospel this week is a famous one. Jesus meets Moses and Elijah on a mountain. He is accompanied on his journey by Peter. John and James. It's quite a story. Jesus' appearance changed. His face glowed and his clothes became dazzling white, a color impossible to achieve at that time in history....

In the Kingdom of God

Jesus came into the world to talk about The Kingdom of God. He used parables to attempt to describe it in a way we might understand, if we were willing to listen. The parables grouped together for this coming Sunday do an especially good job of describing one aspect of the Kingdom I think. All the...

Weeds among the Wheat

The gospel this week is quite well known. There are weeds among the growing wheat. Jesus is asked what to do about them. Should they be pulled out? His answer is to let them grow together, and when it comes time to harvest the wheat, the weeds will be separated and only the wheat will be kept. Now...

Getting Ready

The gospel this coming Sunday is called "The Parable of the Sower". You may remember that it's about a farmer sowing grain. The grain fell on the earth in four ways. For our purposes the most important place the grain fell was on well tended land with a deep soil. Naturally the grain that fell...

How to Get Better Rest at Night

"Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest." These are words we have heard so many times. But are we listening? Do we believe them? Human beings for the most part are worriers. I know I am, especially at two in the morning when my problems seem the...

The Little Ones

In the gospel this week, we hear Jesus referring to God, Himself, the prophets, his disciples, and the "little ones" that need a drink of water. He says that we are all rewarded by God when we do the simplest of acts in the name of God. It's a theme that comes up often in the teachings of Jesus....